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More Than Memes #1: The All Things Pride and Prejudice Podcast Edition

Do you love Pride and Prejudice adaptations as much as we do? Check out the first edition of our More Than Memes Podcast — The All Things Pride and Prejudice Podcast Edition! For months and months, my ATX Festival friends (Karrie and Dana) and I (Kayti) have been trying to get our act together and start… Read more »

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Nina Dobrev and The Millennial Importance of The Vampire Diaries

I cover The Vampire Diaries for Wetpaint, so much of my week was spent professionally reacting to the announcement of Nina Dobrev’s departure from TVD. In all of this writing, it was easy to forget what this major TVD change means to me on a personal level. When I first heard the news, I was surprised at how hard it hit… Read more »

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7 Shows That Respect Teenage Girls — And We Love For It

Teenage girls get a bad rap. They’re told that they’re shallow, stupid, spoiled, and ditzy. They’re told that their interests are stupid and that, overall, they don’t have much to contribute to the world. Sadly, television shows often choose to reinforce this stereotype instead of challenging it. But there are some glorious exceptions. We collected seven… Read more »

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TV Feels of the Day: The Flash Loves Firefly

Just in case you needed another reason to adore the cast of The Flash after last night’s amazing episode, check out this beautiful gospel rendition of the Firefly theme song, “The Ballad of Serenity,” from stars Jesse L. Martin (Joe), Carlos Valdes (Cisco), and Rick Cosnett (Eddie) and try not to feel things. Go ahead. I dare you.  The song…. Read more »

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The X-Files: What It Has Meant to Me, What It Has Meant to TV

The X-Files meant so much to me as a kid. I was constantly changing schools and pop culture became my constant. This show became a constant. I remember writing “I LOVE THE X-FILES” over and over again on my Tech Ed. folder like the total and complete TV nerd that I was/am. My sister and I would… Read more »

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Shows You Should Have Been Watching: Britain’s Party Animals

Sometimes, Netflix wears me down, catches me off guard, and convinces me to watch a show it has been peddling at me for months. In this case, that show was Party Animals, an unfortunately-titled 2007 BBC Two drama that follows fictional researchers, lobbyists, and MPs behind-the-scenes of the British Parliament. I have no shame in admitting… Read more »